I tried changing the rear sprocket from the stock 30 teeth, 530 pitch, to a 26 teeth, 530 pitch sprocket.  I was able to take the triek out over the weekend ...... in January!  Ihad the GPS set up and I weas still only getting 51.5mph, which was about what I got with the 30 teeth sprocket.

This leads me to believe that the answer lies in either the CVT system, the CDI or the carburettor. I'm going to add an rev counter so that I can see what the engine is doing a various speeds, and then I may either fit a different CDI, or play with the carb. 

One of the other MC-95 owners has done more, playing with the CVY weights (which I gather are as large as possible already), and also done a lot of engine tuning, with not much of a gain, so I'm going to tread warily and see if I can work out what is going on. 

Interestingly, I got no decrease in the acceleration, the midrange speeds seems a little more responsive, and the throttle seemed to give more speed when backed off a little?  I'm open to suggestions from those of you reading this with some experience in engine/CVT tuning?

having said that I had two awesome rides over the weekend, in 44F temps.  I never expected to be out riding in the middle of January here in the MIdwest.  We are usually around 5F at this time of year.  I still love my MC-95.  It is fun, fast (up to 50 mph), and as eyecatching as always.

Spending tiime on tweaking it it all part of the fun, and I certainly have no regrets buying the MC-95.   And who doesn't mind tinkering to make it go faster!