Thank you for checking out my new website.  I'm aiming ot have lots of relevent info and photos etc, of anything related to the Chinese Reverse trikes. 

I spent a lot of time surfing the internet before I purchased my own MC-95-250 trike, and had very little real information to make a decision upon.  Eventually I was able to track down an owner and got some excellent info about the older and newer versions of the trike.  It was still a leap of faith but I am delighted with my purchase. 

Chinese trikes, motorcycles and scooters are only recently catching on in the USA, and there is a certain amount of mis-information out there about them.  Hopefully I can provide more accurate info for you to consider.

Chinese vehicles do not have a dealer/mechanic support system here, so you will have to learn how to do the basic maintenance and occasional fault finding and repairs yourself, unless you have a friend hwo like to work on mechanical theings.  This really is not all that difficult, and if you can read and don;t mind getting your hands dirty from time to time you can save money and keep you machine running yourself.

I'm personally very impressed with the quality of construction and performance of my trike.  I think that is is well constructed and looks great. I'd stand it beside any other vehicle proudly. 

Come back from time to time and see what new info I've added.  If you own a Chinese trike, motorcycle or scooter and can provide some informative information then please contact me.

