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 To add your own comments please scroll to the END of the message and it will OPEN a screen for you to put in your news and other worthwhile stuff.  You can also email me anything you'd like to have uploaded, e.g. photos or personal experiences with the trikes. Only comments from owners of MC-95s will be accepted. Any offensive stuff will be removed.  Play Nice! 

Take into account that we all tend to complain about faults and problems more than about the good side of things.  If something is working perfectly you will rarely see somone taking the time to write about it - they are out having too much fun!  So what you read here is probably going to be the bad stuff rather than the good stuff.The faults may relate to a very small percentage of the number of trikes on the road, but you may end up being one of the unlucky ones, so question the dealer about any problems mentioned on this website and make sure that they are willing to accept their responsibility and replace/repair any problems before you purchase any vehicle.

If you have good things to say about your trike then please take a few minutes to tell us so that we can add some balance to the pages.

Remember that nothing on this website comes from official sources so please use sense when considering what you see and read.

Browsing Archive: delivery-photos.php, 2012

Changing the rear Sprocket

Posted by Kevin Rutland on Tuesday, January 31, 2012, In : Modifications 
I tried changing the rear sprocket from the stock 30 teeth, 530 pitch, to a 26 teeth, 530 pitch sprocket.  I was able to take the triek out over the weekend ...... in January!  Ihad the GPS set up and I weas still only getting 51.5mph, which was about what I got with the 30 teeth sprocket.

This leads me to believe that the answer lies in either the CVT system, the CDI or the carburettor. I'm going to add an rev counter so that I can see what the engine is doing a various speeds, and then I may...
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Getting More Speed

Posted by Kevin Rutland on Saturday, January 14, 2012, In : Modifications 
As the top speed, as verified by GPS, is only 50mph or so, some of us are looking at trying a few mods to increase this.

One possiblility is changing the rear sprocket ratio. There is no free prize. Increasing the speed costs some torque, or acceleration,  However, it is a way to experiment without throwing too much cash at it, and it is reversable, easy to try, and so is worth a try.

The MC-95 reverse trike currently uses a 18 teeth front sprocket, and a 30 teeth rear sprocket 

This gives a ra...
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